International Medical Admissions Test (IMAT)
International Medical Admissions Test (IMAT)
What is IMAT?
Universities in Bari, Milan, Pavia, Rome ("La Sapienza" & "Tor Vergata") and the Second University of Naples offer degree courses in Medicine taught in English. For admission into these courses, you must first pass the IMAT (International Medical Admissions Test), an entrance exam developed by the Italian Ministry of University and Research (MIUR) in collaboration with Cambridge Assessment’s Admissions Testing Service.
Scuola Leonardo da Vinci in Rome organizes a prep course specifically devoted to the IMAT exam, which helps students to acquire specific scientific competence and improve their logical reasoning. The course aims to prepare students in the various sections that make up the test: a) logical reasoning and comprehension skills of written texts b) specific knowledge in the areas of science provided by Medicine and Surgery courses.
1. Logical Reasoning
In the logical reasoning portion, the courses objectives are to aid students in developing the following: the ability to choose valid information in order to discover methods and procedures to arrive at a solution; summarize and draw conclusions; identify consequences starting from a series of hypotheses; recognize similarities and differences. Logical, linguistic and numerical questions are all proposed. The goals for this course are set and met by using tests from previous years.
2. Scientific Content
This section aims to provide expertise in areas covered by the tests. At the same time however, it pays particular attention to the specialized technical vocabulary. Precise knowledge of the specialized vocabulary will be an essential tool during the academic path.
a) Chemistry (physical chemistry; electrochemistry; inorganic chemistry; organic chemistry; gas laws).
b) Biology (cells; organic chemistry; bioenergetics; bacteria, viruses, fungi and major pathogens; reproduction and heredity; anatomy and physiology of animals and humans; food chains; biogeochemical cycles).
c) Physics (fluid mechanics; dynamics; kinematics; thermology and thermodynamics; electrostatics and electrodynamics; measurements; optics and acoustics).
d) Mathematics (functions; set theory and algebra; geometry).

3 WEEKS - 140 Lessons
Class size: 5 min
Lessons: 45’ each lesson
Course start date: Click here for course dates
Registration fee: 80€ (valid for 12 months).