
Courses in collaboration with the Costume and Fashion Academy


The Rome Costume and Fashion Academy is one of the top of its kind in the industry. A center of professional specialization and university education, it is recognized and accredited by the Ministry of Education.

Since 1964, The Academy has been preparing fashion and costume professionals, teaching in the wake of a tradition that creating fashion is to follow all the stages of production – i.e. to go from the very beginning of a simple idea all the way to its realization in the workshop. The Academy serves as a creative laboratory in which students can develop the ability to both design and refine skills.

Fashion and Italian - Intensive Course

Fashion and Italian - Intensive Course

Description. Two weeks, from Monday through Friday, of 4 morning language lessons and 4 hours of technical lectures in the afternoon. The specialized classes are held at the Costume and Fashion Academy which is located a short walk from the School. Sectors covered by the intensive courses: Design, Modeling, and Prototyping Bags - Design, Modeling, and Prototyping Shoes - Costume for the Performing Arts - Communication, PR, and External Relations - Introduction to Fashion Design - Fashion Portfolio - Fashion Drawing

Objectives. This course is intended to stimulate and support the growth of language skills of the student through an intensive course in which grammar is paired with daily conversational practice. It is also a fashion training course, which starts from analyzing main production techniques of the chosen field and ends in definite product that represents the conclusion of the course.

Who it’s for. The Intensive Fashion and Italian course is for those who want to learn about practical fashion, not its theory. Students have two weeks to learn how to create fashion, discovering the secrets of craftsmen and the most modern techniques. This course is an opportunity to approach and start living in the fashion world to satisfy a passion or to start a career.


  • Fashion Design
  • Costume Design
  • Accessory Design
  • Fashion Comunication
  • Fashion Portfolio


LANGUAGE and FASHION - 2 weeks - 40 + 40 Lessons (course n. 721)



Lessons: 45’ each lesson
Level: elementary - proficient
Accommodation is not offered for students who do not participate in an Italian language course.
Registration fee: 80€ (valid for 12 months).

Fashion and Italian - Specialization Courses

Fashion and Italian - Specialization Courses

Description. This course runs for three months in total. Each day students have 4 Italian lessons (20 lessons per week for 10 weeks); Friday 4 hours, and Saturday 6 hours of technical lessons (10 lessons per week for 9 weeks). Sectors covered by the intensive courses:Design, Modeling and, Prototyping Bags and Shoes - Fashion Styling - Fashion Marketing & Advertising - Fashion Design - Visual Merchandising - Art and Craft of "Costume Designer " - 3D Modeling - Bijoux and Jewelery.

Objectives. The main goal is to provide participants with both the jurisdiction and the ability to move within a specific area of fashion. The three-month course provides an education that can be the starting point of a career. The study of language is intended to allow students to interact with teachers and participate, as heavily as possible, in the lessons. At the same time, the Italian lessons are designed to provide students with the language tools that will be essential to work closely with experts in the practical part of the course.

Who it’s for. This course is aimed at all those who wish to gain, in three months, the ability to acquire a good base of competence in a specific sector. Lessons include a theoretical section which connects to the practice immediately; all under the guidance of specialists who, in addition to extensive experience in the field, also have long experience in teaching.



LINGUA e MODA - 12 weeks - 240 + 120 Lessons (course n. 722)



Lessons: 45’ each lesson
Level: elementary - proficient
Accommodation is not offered for students who do not participate in an Italian language course.
Registration fee: 80€ (valid for 12 months).